Legal Notice / Imprint

Zacherl Schallaböck Proksch Manak Kraft Rechtsanwälte GmbH

Teinfaltstrasse 8/5.01 (top floor)
1010 Vienna

t: +43 1 97557
f: +43 1 97557 99

P code: P132295

Company register no. FN 490216g, Vienna Commercial Court
VAT ID: ATU73227046

The object of the company is the practice of law, including the required ancillary activities.

Managing Partners:
Nikolaus Kraft, Andreas Manak, Wolfram Proksch, Joachim Schallaböck, Wolfgang Zacherl

Chamber affiliation:
The company and lawyers are members of the Vienna Bar Association

The professional and disciplinary rules for lawyers apply, especially the Bar Regulation, available at , and the Practice Guidelines for Lawyers.


The information on this website is provided solely for general information purposes and constitutes neither legal advice nor an invitation to seek online legal advice. We do not accept any liability for the up-to-dateness, accuracy, legality or completeness of the information on this website.

The content and design of this website are copyrighted. Reproduction, distribution and/or any form of communication to the public are prohibited without our prior written permission.

We sometimes provide hyperlinks to other websites. We do not accept any responsibility for the content of third-party websites, especially not for their accuracy, completeness, up-to-dateness or legality.

We do not accept any liability for damage or loss, including consequential damage or loss, arising from access to or use of this website. This includes the exclusion of liability in connection with computer viruses or the use of information which this website contains.

Photos © belle & sass, Thomas Sturm
Website development: Stefan Friedl – FS1